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Create a checklist

Selecting a locality to report on
To generate a checklist of an area type the name of the area in the input field in the side bar menu. As you start typing a list of geographical entities with names begining with the text you type will be listed below the input box. Choose one by clicking, and it will highlight in blue and generate a list for that area. The resulting checklist will be based on the presence of specimen and or field note vouchers located within the area you have selected.

After you have created a list of all taxa in a selected area, a new list control labelled Restrict to section will appear in the side bar. To filter the list by section, choose a section from the drop down list

To generate lists of all species in a section, change the list mode by selecting the taxa option in the side bar menu and follow the instructions there.

If you know of occurrences of a taxon in an area and that taxon is not listed here, please use the contact us page and let us know the details, and if possible information of the appropriate voucher specimens.