Numerical Listing of Collections
Pteridophytes and Spermatophytes: numbers 301 to 530 (mainly from the Langtang National Park)
Number | Family | Name |
Det. by |
Date | ||
301 |
Rosaceae |
Spirea sp. |
S |
09-Oct |
302 |
Aceraceae |
Acer pectinatum Wall. ex Pax. |
EA |
H |
S |
09-Oct |
303 |
Aceraceae |
Acer campbellii Hook.f. & Thomson ex Hiern |
EA |
H |
09-Oct |
304 |
Onagraceae |
Epilobium sp. |
MW |
H |
09-Oct |
305 |
Compositae |
Synotis wallichii (DC.) C.Jeffrey & Y.L.Chen |
LS |
H |
09-Oct |
306 |
Rosaceae |
Cotoneaster acuminatus Lindl. |
MW |
H |
S |
09-Oct |
307 |
Umbelliferae |
Pimpinella diversifolia DC. |
MW |
H |
09-Oct |
308 |
Hydrangeaceae |
Hydrangea heteromalla D.Don |
EA |
H |
09-Oct |
309 |
Ericaceae |
Pieris formosa (Wall.) D.Don |
MW |
H |
10-Oct |
310 |
Buxaceae |
Sarcococca saligna (D.Don) Müll. Arg. |
EA |
H |
S |
10-Oct |
311 |
Pinaceae |
Larix griffithii Hook.f |
PT |
H |
10-Oct |
312 |
Corylaceae |
Corylus ferox Wall. |
EA |
H |
10-Oct |
313 |
Rosaceae |
Prinsepia utilis Royle |
SC |
H |
10-Oct |
314 |
Lardizabalaceae |
Holboellia latifolia Wall. |
MW |
H |
10-Oct |
315 |
Lauraceae |
Litsea elongata (Nees) Hook.f. |
EA |
H |
10-Oct |
316 |
Pteridophyte |
Hymenophyllum |
MG |
H |
10-Oct |
317 |
Compositae |
Senecio scandens Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don |
LS |
H |
10-Oct |
318 |
Araceae |
Arisaema sp. |
S |
10-Oct |
319 |
Araliaceae |
Hedera nepalensis K.Koch |
MW |
H |
10-Oct |
320 |
Gramineae |
Microstegium petiolare (Trin.) Bor |
TC |
H |
10-Oct |
321 |
Symplocaceae |
Symplocos paniculata (Thunb.) Miq. |
MW |
H |
10-Oct |
322 |
Lauraceae |
Lindera neesiana (Wall. ex Nees) Kurz |
EA |
H |
10-Oct |
323 |
Rutaceae |
Zanthoxylum acanthopodium DC. |
DL |
H |
10-Oct |
324 |
Rutaceae |
Zanthoxylum oxyphyllum Edgew. |
DL |
H |
10-Oct |
325 |
Labiatae |
Isodon Iophanthoides (Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don) H.Hara |
EA |
H |
10-Oct |
326 |
Caryophyllaceae |
Silene sp. |
S |
10-Oct |
327 |
Rosaceae |
Sorbus cuspidata (Spach) Hedl. |
S |
10-Oct |
328 |
Araceae |
Arisaema sp. |
S |
10-Oct |
329 |
Pteridophyte |
Unknown fern |
MG |
H |
11-Oct |
330 |
Pteridophyte |
Cheilanthes albomarginata C.B.Clarke |
MG |
H |
11-Oct |
331 |
Pteridophyte |
Adiantum venustum D.Don |
MG |
H |
11-Oct |
332 |
Leguminosae |
Indigofera heterantha Wall. ex Brandis |
DM |
H |
11-Oct |
333 |
Pteridophyte |
Dryopteris chrysocoma (Christ.) C.Chr. |
MG |
H |
11-Oct |
334 |
Saxifragaceae |
Saxifraga kingiana Engl. & Irmsch. |
MW |
H |
11-Oct |
335 |
Vitaceae |
Tetrastigma napaulensis (DC.) C.L.Li |
MW |
H |
11-Oct |
336 |
Lentibulariaceae |
Utricularia brachiata Oliv. |
EA |
H |
11-Oct |
337 |
Labiatae |
Elsholtzia flava (Benth.) Benth. |
EA |
H |
11-Oct |
338 |
Compositae |
Aster ageratiodes Turcz. |
LS |
H |
11-Oct |
339 |
Compositae |
Tricholepis furcata DC. |
LS |
H |
11-Oct |
340 |
Compositae |
Duhaldea cappa (Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don) Anderb. |
LS |
H |
11-Oct |
341 |
Umbelliferae |
Pimpinella cf. urceolata Watt. ex Banerji emend. P.K.Mukh. |
MW |
H |
11-Oct |
342 |
Gramineae |
Apluda mutica L. |
HN |
H |
11-Oct |
343 |
Gramineae |
Eulalia quadrinervis (Hack.) Kuntz |
HN |
H |
11-Oct |
344 |
Gramineae |
Arundo donax L. |
HN |
H |
11-Oct |
345 |
Aceraceae |
Acer oblongum Wall. ex DC. |
EA |
H |
S |
11-Oct |
346 |
Urticaceae |
Debregeasia velutina Gaudich. |
DL |
H |
11-Oct |
347 |
Urticaceae |
Elatostema sessile J.R.Forst. & G.Forst. |
DL |
H |
11-Oct |
348 |
Solanaceae |
Solanum cf. spirale Roxb. |
MW |
H |
11-Oct |
349 |
Myricaceae |
Myrica esculenta Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don |
EA |
H |
11-Oct |
350 |
Elaeocarpaceae |
Sloanea tomentosa (Benth.) Rehder & E.H.Wilson |
EA |
H |
11-Oct |
351 |
Thymelaeaceae |
Daphne bholua Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don |
MW |
H |
11-Oct |
352 |
Buxaceae |
Sarcococca wallichii Stapf |
EA |
H |
11-Oct |
353 |
Piperaceae |
Peperomia tetraphylla (G.Forst.) Hook. & Arn. |
MW |
H |
11-Oct |
354 |
Umbelliferae |
Heracleum nepalense D.Don |
S |
11-Oct |
355 |
Liliaceae |
unknown |
S |
11-Oct |
356 |
Betulaceae |
Alnus nepalesnsis D.Don |
S |
11-Oct |
357 |
Begoniaceae |
Begonia leptoptera H.Hara |
S |
11-Oct |
358 |
Anacardiaceae |
Rhus sp. |
S |
11-Oct |
359 |
Magnoliaceae |
Michelia kisopa Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don |
S |
11-Oct |
360 |
Fagaceae |
Lithocarpus grandifolius (DC.) S.N.Biswas |
S |
11-Oct |
361 |
Fagaceae |
Lithocarpus grandifolius (DC.) S.N.Biswas |
S |
11-Oct |
362 |
Araceae |
Arisaema sp. |
S |
11-Oct |
363 |
Compositae |
Taraxacum sp. |
S |
11-Oct |
364 |
Balsaminaceae |
Impatiens sp. |
MW |
H |
12-Oct |
365 |
Urticaceae |
Pilea umbrosa Blume |
DL |
H |
12-Oct |
366 |
Papaveraceae |
Dicentra scandens (D.Don) Walp. |
EA |
H |
S |
12-Oct |
367 |
Convolvulaceae |
Cuscuta gigantea Griff. |
EA |
H |
12-Oct |
368 |
Gramineae |
Isachne albens Trin. |
HN |
H |
12-Oct |
369 |
Guttiferae |
Hypericum williamsii N.Robson |
EA |
H |
12-Oct |
370 |
Umbelliferae |
Pimpinella cf. urceolata Watt. ex Banerji emend. P.K.Mukh. |
MW |
H |
12-Oct |
371 |
Sabiaceae |
Meliosoma dilleniifolia (Wall. ex Wight & Arn.) Walp. |
EA |
H |
S |
12-Oct |
372 |
Caryophyllaceae |
Cucubalus baccifer L. |
EA |
H |
12-Oct |
373 |
Gramineae |
Agrostis triaristata (Hook.f.) Bor |
HN |
H |
12-Oct |
374 |
Rutaceae |
Boenninghausenia albiflora (Hook.) Rchb. ex Meisn. |
DL |
H |
S |
12-Oct |
375 |
Balsaminaceae |
Impatiens sulcata Wall. |
MW |
H |
12-Oct |
376 |
Pteridophyte |
Polystichum stimulans (Kunz ex Meth.) Bedd |
MG |
H |
12-Oct |
377 |
Gramineae |
Himalayacalamus falconeri (Munro) Keng f. |
MW |
H |
12-Oct |
378 |
Compositae |
Cirsium falconeri (Hook.f.) Petr. |
LS |
H |
12-Oct |
379 |
Elaeagnaceae |
Hippophae salicifolia D.Don |
EA |
H |
12-Oct |
380 |
Rosaceae |
Cotoneaster frigidus Wall. ex Lindl. |
MW |
H |
12-Oct |
381 |
Aquifoliaceae |
Ilex dipyrena Wall. |
MW |
H |
12-Oct |
382 |
Rosaceae |
Cotoneaster acuminatus Lindl. |
MW |
H |
S |
12-Oct |
383 |
Umbelliferae |
Chaerophyllum villosum Wall. ex DC. |
MW |
H |
S |
12-Oct |
384 |
Compositae |
Saussurea deltoidea (DC.) Sch.-Bip. |
LS |
H |
12-Oct |
385 |
Celastraceae |
Euonymus tingens Wall. |
EA |
H |
S |
12-Oct |
386 |
Gentianaceae |
Tripterospermum volubile (D.Don) H.Hara |
EA |
H |
S |
12-Oct |
387 |
Liliaceae |
Polygonatum sibiricum Delar. s.l. |
HN |
H |
S |
12-Oct |
388 |
Compositae |
Saussurea fastuosa (Decne.) Sch.-Bip. |
LS |
H |
12-Oct |
389 |
Gramineae |
Eulalia mollis (Griseb.) Kuntze |
HN |
H |
S |
12-Oct |
390 |
Sambucaceae |
Viburnum cotinifolium D.Don |
MW |
H |
S |
12-Oct |
391 |
Rutaceae |
Zanthoxylum oxyphyllum Edgew. |
DL |
H |
S |
12-Oct |
392 |
Iridaceae |
Iris sp. |
S |
12-Oct |
393 |
Liliaceae |
unknown |
S |
12-Oct |
394 |
Gramineae |
unknown |
S |
12-Oct |
395 |
Umbelliferae |
Pleurospermum sp. |
S |
12-Oct |
396 |
Umbelliferae |
Pleurospermum sp. |
S |
12-Oct |
397 |
Ranunculaceae |
Clematis sp. |
S |
12-Oct |
398 |
Liliaceae |
Liriope ? |
S |
12-Oct |
399 |
Umbelliferae |
Selinum wallichianum (DC.) Raizada & H.O.Saxena |
S |
12-Oct |
400 |
Umbelliferae |
Selinum sp. |
S |
12-Oct |
401 |
Araceae |
Arisaema sp. |
S |
12-Oct |
402 |
Rosaceae |
Rubus fragarioides Bertol. |
S |
12-Oct |
403 |
Rosaceae |
Potentilla sp. |
S |
12-Oct |
404 |
Araceae |
Arisaema sp. |
S |
12-Oct |
405 |
Araceae |
Arisaema sp. |
S |
12-Oct |
406 |
Amaryllidaceae |
Allium sp. |
S |
12-Oct |
407 |
Elaeagnaceae |
Hippophae salicifolia D.Don |
S |
12-Oct |
408 |
Pinaceae |
Larix himalaica W.C.Cheng & L.K.Fu |
S |
12-Oct |
409 |
Amaryllidaceae |
Allium wallichii Kunth |
S |
12-Oct |
410 |
Potamogetonaceae |
Potamogeton natans L. |
CP |
H |
13-Oct |
411 |
Potamogetonaceae |
Potamogeton sp. |
CP |
H |
13-Oct |
412 |
Polygonaceae |
Persicaria ?hydropiper (L.) Spach |
MW |
H |
13-Oct |
413 |
Rosaceae |
Potentilla cuneata Wall. ex Lehm. |
SC |
H |
S |
13-Oct |
414 |
Umbelliferae |
Oreocome stelliphora Cauwet & Farille |
MW |
H |
13-Oct |
415 |
Amaryllidaceae |
Allium wallichii Kunth |
HN |
H |
13-Oct |
416 |
Umbelliferae |
Tongoloa sp. |
MW |
H |
13-Oct |
417 |
Rosaceae |
Cotoneaster adpressus Bois |
MW |
H |
S |
13-Oct |
418 |
Pteridophyte |
Unknown fern |
MG |
H |
S |
13-Oct |
419 |
Cupressaceae |
Juniperus squamata Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don |
PT |
H |
S |
13-Oct |
420 |
Caprifoliaceae |
Lonicera tomentella Hook.f. & Thomson |
EA |
H |
S |
13-Oct |
421 |
Rosaceae |
Cotoneaster microphyllus Lindl. agg. |
MW |
H |
S |
13-Oct |
422 |
Berberidaceae |
Berberis koehneana C.K.Schneid. |
DC |
H |
S |
13-Oct |
423 |
Rosaceae |
Spirea sp. |
S |
13-Oct |
424 |
Papaveraceae |
Meconopsis sp. |
S |
13-Oct |
425 |
Pinaceae |
Larix sp. |
S |
13-Oct |
426 |
Saxifragaceae |
Saxifraga sp. |
S |
13-Oct |
427 |
Polygonaceae |
Rheum sp. |
S |
13-Oct |
428 |
Morinaceae |
Acanthocalyx sp. |
S |
13-Oct |
429 |
Solanaceae |
Anisodus luridus Link & Otto |
S |
13-Oct |
430 |
Elaeagnaceae |
Hippophae sp. |
S |
13-Oct |
431 |
Ephedraceae |
Ephedra gerardianaWall. ex C.A.Mey. |
S |
13-Oct |
432 |
Ericaceae |
Gaultheria sp. |
S |
13-Oct |
433 |
Umbelliferae |
Oreocome stelliphora Cauwet & Farille |
S |
13-Oct |
434 |
Morinaceae |
Acanthocalyx sp. |
S |
13-Oct |
435 |
Liliaceae |
Fritillaria ? |
S |
13-Oct |
436 |
Parnassiaceae |
Parnassia sp. |
S |
13-Oct |
437 |
Umbelliferae |
Selinum wallichianum (DC.) Raizada & H.O.Saxena |
MW |
H |
14-Oct |
438 |
Polygonaceae |
Oxyria digyna (L.) Hill |
MW |
H |
14-Oct |
439 |
Umbelliferae |
Cortia depressa (D.Don) C.Norman |
S |
14-Oct |
440 |
Gramineae |
Calamagrostis lahulensis G.Singh |
HN |
H |
14-Oct |
441 |
Compositae |
Ajania nubigena (Wall. ex DC.) C.Shih |
LS |
H |
14-Oct |
442 |
Rosaceae |
Potentilla fructicosa L. |
SC |
H |
S |
14-Oct |
443 |
Gramineae |
Bromus himalaicus Stapf. |
HN |
H |
S |
14-Oct |
444 |
Umbelliferae |
Pleurospermum apiolens C.B.Clarke |
MW |
H |
S |
14-Oct |
445 |
Labiatae |
Eriophyton wallichii Benth. |
S |
14-Oct |
446 |
Gramineae |
Elymus schrenkianus (Fisch. & C.A.Mey.) Tsvelev |
HN |
H |
S |
14-Oct |
447 |
Cupressaceae |
Juniperus indica Bertol. |
PT |
H |
S |
14-Oct |
448 |
Salicaceae |
Salix calyculata Hook.f. ex Andersson |
MW |
H |
S |
14-Oct |
449 |
Elaeagnaceae |
Hippophae tibetana Schldtl. |
EA |
H |
14-Oct |
450 |
Primulaceae |
Primula sp. |
S |
14-Oct |
451 |
Unknown Dicot |
unknown dicot herb |
S |
14-Oct |
452 |
Compositae |
Cremanthodium sp. |
S |
14-Oct |
453 |
Morinaceae |
Acanthocalyx sp. |
S |
14-Oct |
454 |
Rosaceae |
Sorbus himalaica Gabrieljan |
SC |
H |
S |
14-Oct |
455 |
Rosaceae |
Sorbus himalaica Gabrieljan |
SC |
H |
S |
14-Oct |
456 |
Rosaceae |
Sorbus aff. himalaica Gabrieljan |
SC |
H |
S |
14-Oct |
457 |
Rosaceae |
Sorbus sp. |
S |
14-Oct |
458 |
Betulaceae |
Betula utilis D.Don |
EA |
H |
14-Oct |
459 |
Rosaceae |
Sorbus himalaica Gabrieljan |
SC |
H |
S |
14-Oct |
460 |
Rosaceae |
Sorbus himalaica Gabrieljan |
SC |
H |
S |
14-Oct |
461 |
Caprifoliaceae |
Lonicera lanceolata Wall. |
S |
14-Oct |
462 |
Salicaceae |
Salix sp. |
S |
14-Oct |
463 |
Betulaceae |
Betula utilis D.Don |
S |
14-Oct |
464 |
Ericaceae |
Rhododendron campulatum D.Don |
S |
14-Oct |
465 |
Primulaceae |
Primula sikkimensis Hook.f. |
S |
14-Oct |
466 |
Saxifragaceae |
Potentilla sp. |
S |
14-Oct |
467 |
Betulaceae |
Betula utilis D.Don |
S |
14-Oct |
468 |
Leguminosae |
Caragana brevispina Royle |
DM |
H |
S |
15-Oct |
469 |
Gramineae |
Andropogon tristis Nees ex Hack. |
HN |
H |
15-Oct |
470 |
Umbelliferae |
Selinum vaginatum (Edgew.) C.B.Clarke |
MW |
H |
S |
15-Oct |
471 |
Leguminosae |
Lotus corniculatus L. |
DM |
H |
15-Oct |
472 |
Umbelliferae |
Ligusticum elatum (Edgew.) C.B.Clarke |
MW |
H |
S |
15-Oct |
473 |
Cyperaceae |
Eleocharis palustris (L.) Roem. & Schult. |
HN |
H |
15-Oct |
474 |
Juncaceae |
Juncus wallichianus Laharpe |
HN |
H |
15-Oct |
475 |
Cyperaceae |
Isolepis setacea (L.) R.Br. |
HN |
H |
15-Oct |
476 |
Scrophulariaceae |
Verbascum thapsus L. |
MW |
H |
15-Oct |
477 |
Ranunculaceae |
Delphinium kamaonense Huth |
MW |
H |
S |
15-Oct |
478 |
Rubiaceae |
Galium aparine L. |
MW |
H |
15-Oct |
479 |
Umbelliferae |
Chaerophyllum villosum Wall. ex DC. |
MW |
H |
15-Oct |
480 |
Caprifoliaceae |
Lonicera tomentella Hook.f. & Thomson |
MW |
H |
S |
15-Oct |
481 |
Caryophyllaceae |
Silene stracheyi Edgew. |
EA |
H |
S |
15-Oct |
482 |
Labiatae |
Elsholtzia ciliata (Thunb.) Hyland. |
MW |
H |
15-Oct |
483 |
Rosaceae |
Rosa sericea Lindl. agg. |
SC |
H |
S |
15-Oct |
484 |
Ranunculaceae |
Clematis connata DC. |
MW |
H |
S |
15-Oct |
485 |
Hydrangeaceae |
Deutzia compacta Craib |
EA |
H |
S |
15-Oct |
486 |
Hydrangeaceae |
Philadelphus tomentosus Wall. ex G.Don |
EA |
H |
S |
15-Oct |
487 |
Rosaceae |
Sorbus hedlundii C.K.Schneid. |
SC |
H |
S |
15-Oct |
488 |
Umbelliferae |
Pleurospermum sp. |
S |
15-Oct |
489 |
Umbelliferae |
Selinum candollei DC. |
S |
15-Oct |
490 |
Umbelliferae |
Selinum ?candollei DC. |
S |
15-Oct |
491 |
Iridaceae |
Iris sp. |
S |
15-Oct |
492 |
Iridaceae |
Iris sp. |
S |
15-Oct |
493 |
Iridaceae |
Iris sp. |
S |
15-Oct |
494 |
Amaryllidaceae |
Allium sp. |
S |
15-Oct |
495 |
Rosaceae |
Potentilla sp. |
S |
15-Oct |
496 |
Campanulaceae |
Cyananthus sp. |
S |
15-Oct |
497 |
Rosaceae |
Potentilla sp. |
S |
15-Oct |
498 |
Liliaceae |
unknown |
S |
15-Oct |
499 |
Iridaceae |
Iris decora Wall. |
S |
15-Oct |
500 |
Araceae |
Arisaema sp. |
S |
15-Oct |
501 |
Rosaceae |
Rubus nepalensis (Hook.f.) Kuntze |
SC |
H |
16-Oct |
502 |
Polygonaceae |
Persicaria runcinata (Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don) H.Gross |
MW |
H |
16-Oct |
503 |
Boraginaceae |
Maharanga emodi (Wall.) A.DC. |
MW |
H |
16-Oct |
504 |
Cyperaceae |
Carex filicina Nees |
HN |
H |
S |
16-Oct |
505 |
Sambucaceae |
Viburnum sp. |
MW |
H |
S |
16-Oct |
506 |
Pteridophyte |
Unknown fern |
MG |
H |
S |
16-Oct |
507 |
Pteridophyte |
Unknown fern |
MG |
H |
16-Oct |
508 |
Schisandraceae |
Schisandra grandiflora (Wall.) Hook.f. & Thomson |
MW |
H |
S |
16-Oct |
509 |
Juncaceae |
Juncus concinnus D.Don |
HN |
H |
16-Oct |
510 |
Urticaceae |
Girardinia diversifolia (Link) Friis |
DL |
H |
16-Oct |
511 |
Araliaceae |
Pentapanax fragrans (D.Don) Ha |
MW |
H |
16-Oct |
512 |
Acanthaceae |
Hypoestes triflora (Forssk.) Roem. & Schult. |
MW |
H |
16-Oct |
513 |
Rubiaceae |
Leptodermis stapfiana H.Winkl. |
MW |
H |
16-Oct |
514 |
Urticaceae |
Urtica dioica L. |
DL |
H |
16-Oct |
515 |
Myrsinaceae |
Myrsine semiserrata Wall. |
EA |
H |
16-Oct |
516 |
Moraceae |
Ficus sarmentosa Buch.-Ham. ex Sm. |
EA |
H |
16-Oct |
517 |
Fagaceae |
Quercus glauca Thunb. |
EA |
H |
16-Oct |
518 |
Araceae |
unknown |
S |
16-Oct |
519 |
Rosaceae |
Rubus acuminatus Sm. |
SC |
H |
17-Oct |
520 |
Araliaceae |
Brassaiopsis glomerulata (Blume) Regel |
MW |
H |
17-Oct |
521 |
Amaranthaceae |
Deeringia amaranthoides (Lam.) Merr. |
MW |
H |
17-Oct |
522 |
Araliaceae |
Macropanax dispermus (Blume) Kuntz |
MW |
H |
17-Oct |
523 |
Ranunculaceae |
Clematis acuminata DC. |
MW |
H |
17-Oct |
524 |
Acanthaceae |
Peristrophe speciosa (Roxb.) Nees |
MW |
H |
17-Oct |
525 |
Urticaceae |
Oreocnide frutescens (Thunb.) Miq. |
DL |
H |
17-Oct |
526 |
Araceae |
Amorphophallus sp. |
S |
17-Oct |
527 |
Rubiaceae |
Rubia wallichiana Decne. |
MW |
H |
18-Oct |
528 |
Liliaceae |
Smilax aspera L. |
HN |
H |
18-Oct |
529 |
Polygonaceae |
Persicaria capitata (Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don) H.Gross |
MW |
H |
18-Oct |
530 |
Saxifragaceae |
Astilbe rivularis Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don |
EA |
H |
18-Oct |