Mosses: families M to Z
Determinations by
David Long (DL) and P. Sollman (PS).
Family |
Name |
Number |
Det. by |
Meteoriaceae |
Aerobryidium filamentosum (Hook.) Broth. |
30379 |
DL |
Aerobryidium filamentosum (Hook.) Broth. |
30566 |
DL |
Aerobryidium filamentosum (Hook.) Broth. |
30742 |
DL |
Bryowijkia ambigua (Hook.) Nog. |
30356 |
DL |
Bryowijkia ambigua (Hook.) Nog. |
30532 |
DL |
Diaphanodon |
30629 |
DL |
Meteoriopsis reclinata (Muell.Hal.) Broth. var. reclinata |
30300 |
DL |
Meteoriopsis reclinata (Muell.Hal.) Broth. var. reclinata |
30664 |
DL |
Meteoriopsis reclinata (Muell.Hal.) Broth. var. subreclinata M.Fleisch. |
30717 |
DL |
Meteoriopsis squarrosa (Hook.) Broth. var. longicuspis Nog. |
30713 |
DL |
Meteorium buchanani (Brid.) Broth. ssp. buchanani |
30735 |
DL |
Meteorium subpolytrichum (Besch.) Broth. ssp. subpolytrichum |
30638 |
DL |
Sinskea |
30306 |
DL |
Trachypus |
30714 |
DL |
30307 |
30319 |
30567 |
30658 |
30678 |
30693 |
30700 |
30707 |
30708 |
Mniaceae |
Orthomnion |
30302 |
DL |
Orthomnion |
30320 |
DL |
Plagiomnium |
30515 |
DL |
Plagiomnium |
30571 |
DL |
Plagiomnium |
30651 |
DL |
Rhizomnium |
30630 |
DL |
Neckeraceae |
Homaliodendron |
30394 |
DL |
Homaliodendron |
30569 |
DL |
Homaliodendron |
30666 |
DL |
Homaliodendron |
30670 |
DL |
Homaliodendron |
30681 |
DL |
Homaliodendron |
30686 |
DL |
Homaliodendron |
30695 |
DL |
Neckera |
30543 |
DL |
Neckera |
30626 |
DL |
Thamnobryum |
30671 |
DL |
Orthotrichaceae |
Macromitrium |
30568 |
DL |
Macromitrium |
30743 |
DL |
Orthotrichum |
30400 |
DL |
Orthotrichum |
30412 |
DL |
Orthotrichum |
30605 |
DL |
Orthotrichum |
30637b |
DL |
Zygodon |
30386a |
DL |
Plagiotheciaceae |
Entodontopsis |
30288 |
DL |
Entodontopsis |
30347 |
DL |
Entodontopsis |
30350 |
DL |
Plagiothecium |
30481 |
DL |
Plagiothecium |
30495 |
DL |
Taxiphyllum |
30539 |
DL |
Taxiphyllum |
30550 |
DL |
pleurocarp |
30303 |
30334 |
Polytrichaceae |
Atrichum |
30576 |
DL |
Oiigotrichum |
30650 |
DL |
Pogonatum |
30396 |
DL |
Polytrichum |
30552 |
DL |
Pottiaceae |
Anoectangium |
30476 |
DL |
Anoectangium |
30632 |
DL |
Barbula |
30289 |
DL |
Barbula amplexifolia (Mitt.) A.Jaeger |
30527 |
PS |
Barbula indica (Hook.) Spreng. |
30265 |
PS |
Barbula indica (Hook.) Spreng. |
30351 |
PS |
Bellibarbula recurva (Griff.) R.H.Zander |
30344 |
PS |
Bellibarbula recurva (Griff.) R.H.Zander |
30365 |
PS |
Bellibarbula recurva (Griff.) R.H.Zander |
30486 |
PS |
Bellibarbula recurva (Griff.) R.H.Zander |
30545 |
PS |
Bryoerythrophyllum |
30441 |
DL |
Bryoerythrophyllum inaequalifolium (Taylor) R.H.Zander |
30381 |
PS |
Bryoerythrophyllum inaequalifolium (Taylor) R.H.Zander |
30408 |
PS |
Bryoerythrophyllum wallichii (Mitt.) P.C.Chen |
30395 |
PS |
Bryoerythrophyllum wallichii (Mitt.) P.C.Chen |
30404 |
PS |
Bryoerythrophyllum wallichii (Mitt.) P.C.Chen |
30421 |
PS |
Chionoloma bombayense (Müll.Hal.) P.Sollman |
30310a |
PS |
Chionoloma bombayense (Müll.Hal.) P.Sollman |
30538 |
PS |
Didymodon |
30618 |
DL |
Didymodon rivicola (Broth.) R.H.Zander |
30589 |
PS |
Gymnostomiella vernicosa (Harv.) M.Fleisch. var. tenerum (Dus) Arts |
30253 |
DL |
Gymnostomum |
30733 |
DL |
Hymenostylium recurvirostrum (Hedw.) Dixon |
30254 |
DL |
Hyophila involuta (Hook.) A.Jaeger |
30272 |
PS |
Hyophila involuta (Hook.) A.Jaeger |
30349b |
PS |
Leptodontium |
30635 |
DL |
Leptodontium |
30736 |
DL |
Pseudosymblepharis |
30310a |
DL |
Scopelophila |
30362b |
DL |
Scopelophila cataractae (Mitt.) Broth. |
30659 |
PS |
Scopelophila ligulata (Spruce) Spruce |
30362b |
PS |
Scopelophila ligulata (Spruce) Spruce |
30547 |
PS |
Timmiella |
30727 |
DL |
Trichostomum |
30472 |
DL |
Trichostomum |
30386b |
DL |
Trichostomum bombayense Muell. Hal. |
30345 |
DL |
Weissia |
30622 |
DL |
30387 |
DL |
30478 |
Pterobryaceae |
30663 |
Racopilaceae |
Racopilum |
30691 |
DL |
Regmatodontaceae |
Regmatodon orthostegius Mont. |
30544 |
DL |
Rhytidiaceae |
Rhytidium rugosum (Hedw.) Kindb. |
30492 |
DL |
Rhytidium rugosum (Hedw.) Kindb. |
30585 |
DL |
Sematophyllaceae |
Struckia |
30382 |
DL |
30287 |
30323 |
30430 |
30660 |
30668 |
30683 |
Sphagnaceae |
Sphagnum |
30456 |
DL |
Sphagnum |
30528 |
DL |
Sphagnum |
30698 |
DL |
Splachnaceae |
Tayloria |
30399 |
DL |
Tayloria |
30577 |
DL |
30420 |
30445 |
Thuidiaceae |
Abietinella abietina (Hedw.) M.Fleisch. |
30493 |
DL |
Abietinella abietina (Hedw.) M.Fleisch. |
30593 |
DL |
Actinothuidium hookeri (Mitt.) Broth. |
30407 |
DL |
Claopodium prionophyllum (Muell.Hal.) Broth. |
39679 |
DL |
Thuidium |
30295 |
DL |
Thuidium |
30360 |
DL |
Thuidium |
30393 |
DL |
Thuidium |
30504 |
DL |
Thuidium |
30562 |
DL |
Thuidium |
30624 |
DL |
Thuidium |
30652 |
DL |
Thuidium |
30684 |
DL |
Thuidium |
30739 |
DL |
Trachyphyllum inflexum (Harvb.) Gepp |
30277 |
DL |
Zygodontaceae |
Zygodon |
30627 |
DL |
Zygodon obtusifolius Hook. |
30645 |
DL |