Bryophytes: numbers 30500 to 30654 (mainly from the
Langtang National Park)
Determinations by
David Long (DL), Daniela Schill (DS), P. Sollman (PS) and May-ling So (MLS).
Number |
Family |
Name |
Det. by |
Date |
30501 |
Cephaloziaceae |
Cephalozia |
DL |
09-Oct |
30502 |
Lepidoziaceae |
Bazzania |
DL |
09-Oct |
30503 |
Bryaceae |
Orthodontium |
DL |
09-Oct |
30504 |
Thuidiaceae |
Thuidium |
DL |
09-Oct |
30505 |
Bryaceae |
Bryum argenteum Hedw. |
DL |
10-Oct |
30506 |
Hypnaceae |
10-Oct |
30507 |
Lophoziaceae |
Anastrepta orcadensis (Hook.) Schiffn. |
DL |
10-Oct |
30508 |
Cephaloziaceae |
Cephalozia |
DL |
10-Oct |
30509 |
Hypnaceae |
Rhytidiadelphus triquetrus (Hedw.) Warnst. |
DL |
10-Oct |
30510 |
Aytoniaceae |
Reboulia hemisphaerica (L.) Raddi |
DL |
10-Oct |
30511 |
Aytoniaceae |
Asterella leptophylla (Mont.) Grolle |
DL |
10-Oct |
30512 |
Lophoziaceae |
Lophozia |
DL |
10-Oct |
30513 |
Metzgeriaceae |
Apometzgeria pubescens (Schrank) Kuwah. |
DL |
10-Oct |
30514 |
Acrobolbaceae |
Acrobolbus ciliatus (Mitt.) Schiffn. |
DL |
10-Oct |
30515 |
Mniaceae |
Plagiomnium |
DL |
10-Oct |
30516 |
Dicranaceae |
Dichrodontium |
PS |
10-Oct |
30517 |
Lophoziaceae |
Lophozia |
DL |
10-Oct |
30518 |
Scapaniaceae |
Scapania |
DL |
10-Oct |
30519 |
Metzgeriaceae |
Metzgeria leptoneura Spruce |
10-Oct |
30520 |
Porellaceae |
Porella acutifolia (Lehm. & Lindenb.) Trevis. |
10-Oct |
30521 |
Dicranaceae |
Symblepharis |
DL |
10-Oct |
30522 |
Scapaniaceae |
Delavayella serrata Steph. |
DL |
10-Oct |
30523 |
Funariaceae |
Funaria |
DL |
10-Oct |
30524 |
Geocalycaceae |
Lophocolea minor Nees |
DL |
10-Oct |
30525 |
Aytoniaceae |
Asterella khasyana (Grif.) Pande et al. |
DL |
10-Oct |
30526 |
Aytoniaceae |
Asterella mussuriensis (Kashyap) Verd. |
DL |
10-Oct |
30527 |
Pottiaceae |
Barbula amplexifolia (Mitt.) A.Jaeger |
PS |
10-Oct |
30528 |
Sphagnaceae |
Sphagnum |
DL |
10-Oct |
30529 |
Frullaniaceae |
Frullania |
DL |
10-Oct |
30530 |
Bryaceae |
Rhodobryum |
DL |
11-Oct |
30531 |
Cephaloziaceae |
Cephalozia |
DL |
11-Oct |
30532 |
Meteoriaceae |
Bryowijkia ambigua (Hook.) Nog. |
DL |
11-Oct |
30533 |
Entodontaceae |
Entodon |
DL |
11-Oct |
30534 |
Lejeuneaceae |
Cheilolejeunea |
DL |
11-Oct |
30535 |
Porellaceae |
Porella acutifolia (Lehm. & Lindenb.) Trevis. |
11-Oct |
30536 |
Scapaniaceae |
Scapania |
DL |
11-Oct |
30537 |
Arnelliaceae |
Southbya gollanii Steph. |
DL |
11-Oct |
30538 |
Pottiaceae |
Chionoloma bombayense (Müll.Hal.) P.Sollman |
PS |
11-Oct |
30539 |
Plagiotheciaceae |
Taxiphyllum |
DL |
11-Oct |
30540 |
Trichocoleaceae |
Trichocolea |
DL |
11-Oct |
30541 |
Hypnaceae |
Macrothamnium |
DL |
11-Oct |
30542 |
Plagiochilaceae |
Plagiochila flexuosa Mitt. |
11-Oct |
30543 |
Neckeraceae |
Neckera |
DL |
11-Oct |
30544 |
Regmatodontaceae |
Regmatodon orthostegius Mont. |
DL |
11-Oct |
30545 |
Pottiaceae |
Bellibarbula recurva (Griff.) R.H.Zander |
PS |
11-Oct |
30546 |
Lejeuneaceae |
11-Oct |
30547 |
Pottiaceae |
Scopelophila ligulata (Spruce) Spruce |
PS |
11-Oct |
30548 |
Calymperaceae |
PS |
11-Oct |
30549 |
Cephaloziaceae |
Cephalozia |
DL |
11-Oct |
30550 |
Plagiotheciaceae |
Taxiphyllum |
DL |
11-Oct |
30551 |
Fissidentaceae |
Fissidens |
DL |
11-Oct |
30552 |
Polytrichaceae |
Polytrichum |
DL |
11-Oct |
30553 |
Geocalycaceae |
Heteroscyphus |
DL |
11-Oct |
30554 |
Herbertaceae |
Herbertus sakuraii (Warnst.) S.Hatt. |
11-Oct |
30555 |
Aytoniaceae |
Cryptomitrium himalayense Kashyap |
DL |
11-Oct |
30556 |
Wiesnerellaceae |
Wiesnerella denudata (Mitt.) Steph. |
DL |
11-Oct |
30557 |
Plagiochilaceae |
Plagiochila sciophila Nees ex Lindenb. |
11-Oct |
30558 |
Cyathodiaceae |
Cyathodium |
DL |
11-Oct |
30559 |
Aytoniaceae |
Cryptomitrium himalayense Kashyap |
DL |
11-Oct |
30560 |
Aytoniaceae |
Asterella khasyana (Grif.) Pande et al. |
DL |
12-Oct |
30561 |
Leskeaceae |
12-Oct |
30562 |
Thuidiaceae |
Thuidium |
DL |
12-Oct |
30563 |
Aytoniaceae |
Asterella leptophylla (Mont.) Grolle |
DL |
12-Oct |
30564 |
Fissidentaceae |
Fissidens |
DL |
12-Oct |
30565 |
Marchantiaceae |
Dumortiera hirsuta (Sw.) Nees |
DL |
12-Oct |
30566 |
Meteoriaceae |
Aerobryidium filamentosum (Hook.) Broth. |
DL |
12-Oct |
30567 |
Meteoriaceae |
12-Oct |
30568 |
Orthotrichaceae |
Macromitrium |
DL |
12-Oct |
30569 |
Neckeraceae |
Homaliodendron |
DL |
12-Oct |
30570 |
Bryaceae |
Bryum |
DL |
12-Oct |
30571 |
Mniaceae |
Plagiomnium |
DL |
12-Oct |
30572 |
Aytoniaceae |
Cryptomitrium himalayense Kashyap |
DL |
12-Oct |
30573 |
Geocalycaceae |
Chiloscyphus |
DL |
12-Oct |
30574 |
Amblystegiaceae |
Campylium |
DL |
12-Oct |
30575 |
Metzgeriaceae |
Metzgeria leptoneura Spruce |
12-Oct |
30576 |
Polytrichaceae |
Atrichum |
DL |
12-Oct |
30577 |
Splachnaceae |
Tayloria |
DL |
12-Oct |
30578 |
Hookeriaceae |
Hookeria acutifolia Hook. & Grev. |
DL |
12-Oct |
30579 |
Grimmiaceae |
Racomitrium |
DL |
12-Oct |
30580 |
Hedwigiaceae |
Hedwigia |
DL |
12-Oct |
30581 |
Hedwigiaceae |
Hedwigia stellata Hedenas |
DL |
12-Oct |
30582 |
Amblystegiaceae |
Drepanocladus |
DL |
13-Oct |
30583 |
Grimmiaceae |
Grimmia |
DL |
13-Oct |
30584 |
Grimmiaceae |
Racomitrium |
DL |
13-Oct |
30585 |
Rhytidiaceae |
Rhytidium rugosum (Hedw.) Kindb. |
DL |
13-Oct |
30586 |
Grimmiaceae |
Grimmia |
DL |
13-Oct |
30587 |
Hypnaceae |
Hypnum |
DL |
13-Oct |
30588 |
Leskeaceae |
13-Oct |
30589 |
Pottiaceae |
Didymodon rivicola (Broth.) R.H.Zander |
PS |
13-Oct |
30590 |
Frullaniaceae |
Frullania |
DL |
13-Oct |
30591 |
Fabroniaceae |
13-Oct |
30592 |
Hypnaceae |
13-Oct |
30593 |
Thuidiaceae |
Abietinella abietina (Hedw.) M.Fleisch. |
DL |
13-Oct |
30594 |
Aulacomniaceae |
Aulacomnium palustre (Hedw.) Schwaegr. |
DL |
14-Oct |
30595 |
Lophoziaceae |
Anastrophyllum joergensenii Schiffn. |
DL |
14-Oct |
30596 |
Lophoziaceae |
Anastrophyllum donnianum (Hook.) Steph. |
DL |
14-Oct |
30597 |
Herbertaceae |
Herbertus kurzii (Steph.) Chopra |
14-Oct |
30598 |
Lepidoziaceae |
Bazzania |
DL |
14-Oct |
30599 |
Lophoziaceae |
Chandonanthus |
DL |
14-Oct |
30600 |
Lophoziaceae |
Anastrepta orcadensis (Hook.) Schiffn. |
DL |
14-Oct |
30601 |
Cleveaceae |
Athalamia |
DL |
14-Oct |
30602 |
Lophoziaceae |
Chandonanthus |
DL |
14-Oct |
30603 |
Herbertaceae |
Herbertus dicranus (Taylor ex Gottsche et al.) Trevis. |
14-Oct |
30604 |
Plagiochilaceae |
Plagiochila semidecurrens (Lehm. & Lindenb.) Lindenb. |
14-Oct |
30605 |
Orthotrichaceae |
Orthotrichum |
DL |
14-Oct |
30606 |
Scapaniaceae |
Scapania |
DL |
14-Oct |
30607 |
Scapaniaceae |
Scapania |
DL |
14-Oct |
30608 |
Bartramiaceae |
Bartramia |
DL |
14-Oct |
30609 |
Grimmiaceae |
Racomitrium |
DL |
14-Oct |
30610 |
Hypnaceae |
14-Oct |
30611 |
Gymnomitriaceae |
Marsupella |
DL |
14-Oct |
30612 |
Dicranaceae |
Dicranum |
DL |
14-Oct |
30613 |
Lophoziaceae |
Anastrophyllum assimile (Mitt.) Steph. |
DS |
14-Oct |
30614 |
Amblystegiaceae |
Cratoneuron |
DL |
15-Oct |
30615 |
Bryaceae |
Bryum |
DL |
15-Oct |
30616 |
Bartramiaceae |
Philonotis |
DL |
15-Oct |
30617 |
Leskeaceae |
15-Oct |
30618 |
Pottiaceae |
Didymodon |
DL |
15-Oct |
30619 |
Hedwigiaceae |
Hedwigia |
DL |
15-Oct |
30620 |
Bryaceae |
Pohlia |
DL |
16-Oct |
30621 |
Arnelliaceae |
Gongylanthus himalayensis Grolle |
DL |
16-Oct |
30622 |
Pottiaceae |
Weissia |
DL |
16-Oct |
30623 |
Bryaceae |
Bryum |
DL |
16-Oct |
30624 |
Thuidiaceae |
Thuidium |
DL |
16-Oct |
30625 |
Leucodontaceae |
Leucodon |
DL |
16-Oct |
30626 |
Neckeraceae |
Neckera |
DL |
16-Oct |
30627 |
Zygodontaceae |
Zygodon |
DL |
16-Oct |
30628 |
Plagiochilaceae |
Plagiochila chinensis Steph. |
16-Oct |
30629 |
Meteoriaceae |
Diaphanodon |
DL |
16-Oct |
30630 |
Mniaceae |
Rhizomnium |
DL |
16-Oct |
30631 |
Lejeuneaceae |
16-Oct |
30632 |
Pottiaceae |
Anoectangium |
DL |
16-Oct |
30633 |
Dicranaceae |
16-Oct |
30634 |
Lejeuneaceae |
16-Oct |
30635 |
Pottiaceae |
Leptodontium |
DL |
16-Oct |
30636 |
Hypopterygiaceae |
Cyathophorum |
DL |
16-Oct |
30638 |
Meteoriaceae |
Meteorium subpolytrichum (Besch.) Broth. ssp. subpolytrichum |
DL |
16-Oct |
30639 |
Jungermanniaceae |
Jungermannia |
DL |
16-Oct |
30640 |
Pelliaceae |
Pellia epiphylla (L.) Corda |
DL |
16-Oct |
30641 |
Brachytheciaceae |
Rhynchostegium |
DL |
16-Oct |
30642 |
Pelliaceae |
Pellia endiviifolia (Dicks.) Dumort. |
DL |
16-Oct |
30643 |
Plagiochilaceae |
Plagiochila sciophila Nees ex Lindenb. |
16-Oct |
30644 |
Bryaceae |
Epipterygium tozeri (Grev.) Lindb. |
DL |
16-Oct |
30645 |
Zygodontaceae |
Zygodon obtusifolius Hook. |
DL |
16-Oct |
30646 |
Anomodontaceae |
Anomodon |
DL |
16-Oct |
30647 |
Brachytheciaceae |
Brachythecium |
DL |
16-Oct |
30648 |
Jungermanniaceae |
Jungermannia |
DL |
16-Oct |
30649 |
Plagiochilaceae |
Plagiochila sciophila Nees ex Lindenb. |
16-Oct |
30650 |
Polytrichaceae |
Oiigotrichum |
DL |
16-Oct |
30651 |
Mniaceae |
Plagiomnium |
DL |
16-Oct |
30652 |
Thuidiaceae |
Thuidium |
DL |
17-Oct |
30653 |
Aytoniaceae |
Reboulia hemisphaerica (L.) Raddi |
DL |
17-Oct |
30655 |
Brachytheciaceae |
Rhynchostegium |
DL |
17-Oct |
30656 |
Jungermanniaceae |
Jungermannia |
DL |
17-Oct |
30657 |
Jungermanniaceae |
Jungermannia |
DL |
17-Oct |
30658 |
Meteoriaceae |
17-Oct |
30659 |
Pottiaceae |
Scopelophila cataractae (Mitt.) Broth. |
PS |
17-Oct |
30660 |
Sematophyllaceae |
17-Oct |
30661 |
Aytoniaceae |
Plagiochasma appendiculatum Lehm. & Lindenb. |
DL |
17-Oct |
30662 |
Geocalycaceae |
Lophocolea minor Nees |
DL |
17-Oct |
30663 |
Pterobryaceae |
17-Oct |
30664 |
Meteoriaceae |
Meteoriopsis reclinata (Muell.Hal.) Broth. var. reclinata |
DL |
17-Oct |
30665 |
Hypnaceae |
Macrothamnium |
DL |
17-Oct |
30666 |
Neckeraceae |
Homaliodendron |
DL |
17-Oct |
30667 |
Metzgeriaceae |
Metzgeria leptoneura Spruce |
17-Oct |
30668 |
Sematophyllaceae |
17-Oct |
30669 |
Anomodontaceae |
Anomodon |
DL |
17-Oct |
30670 |
Neckeraceae |
Homaliodendron |
DL |
17-Oct |
30671 |
Neckeraceae |
Thamnobryum |
DL |
17-Oct |
30672 |
Plagiochilaceae |
Plagiochila ovalifolia Mitt. |
17-Oct |
30673 |
Wiesnerellaceae |
Wiesnerella denudata (Mitt.) Steph. |
DL |
17-Oct |
30674 |
Fissidentaceae |
Fissidens |
DL |
17-Oct |
30675 |
Hypnaceae |
Macrothamnium |
DL |
17-Oct |
30676 |
Lejeuneaceae |
17-Oct |
30677 |
Marchantiaceae |
Marchantia |
DL |
17-Oct |
30678 |
Meteoriaceae |
17-Oct |
30680 |
Hypnaceae |
17-Oct |
30681 |
Neckeraceae |
Homaliodendron |
DL |
17-Oct |
30682 |
Lejeuneaceae |
17-Oct |
30683 |
Sematophyllaceae |
17-Oct |
30684 |
Thuidiaceae |
Thuidium |
DL |
17-Oct |
30685 |
Lejeuneaceae |
17-Oct |
30686 |
Neckeraceae |
Homaliodendron |
DL |
17-Oct |
30687 |
Bartramiaceae |
Philonotis |
DL |
17-Oct |
30688 |
Notothyladaceae |
Notothylas |
DL |
17-Oct |
30689 |
Aytoniaceae |
Plagiochasma |
DL |
17-Oct |
30691 |
Racopilaceae |
Racopilum |
DL |
17-Oct |
30692 |
Bartramiaceae |
Bartramidula |
DL |
17-Oct |
30693 |
Meteoriaceae |
17-Oct |
30694 |
Calypogeiaceae |
Metacalypogeia alternifolia (Nees) Grolle |
DL |
18-Oct |
30695 |
Neckeraceae |
Homaliodendron |
DL |
18-Oct |
30696 |
Radulaceae |
Radula |
DL |
18-Oct |
30697 |
Plagiochilaceae |
Plagiochila denticulata Mitt. |
18-Oct |
30698 |
Sphagnaceae |
Sphagnum |
DL |
18-Oct |
30699 |
Herbertaceae |
Herbertus sakuraii (Warnst.) S.Hatt. |
18-Oct |
30700 |
Meteoriaceae |
18-Oct |
30701 |
Metzgeriaceae |
Metzgeria leptoneura Spruce |
18-Oct |
30702 |
Jungermanniaceae |
Jamesoniella |
DL |
18-Oct |
30703 |
Entodontaceae |
Entodon |
DL |
18-Oct |
30704 |
Lejeuneaceae |
18-Oct |
30705 |
Lejeuneaceae |
Ptychanthus |
DL |
18-Oct |
30706 |
Jungermanniaceae |
Jamesoniella |
DL |
18-Oct |
30707 |
Meteoriaceae |
18-Oct |
30708 |
Meteoriaceae |
18-Oct |
30709 |
Herbertaceae |
Herbertus aduncus (Dicks.) Gray |
18-Oct |
30710 |
Jungermanniaceae |
Jungermannia |
DL |
18-Oct |
30711 |
Scapaniaceae |
Scapania |
DL |
18-Oct |
30712 |
Dicranaceae |
Dicranodontium |
DL |
18-Oct |
30713 |
Meteoriaceae |
Meteoriopsis squarrosa (Hook.) Broth. var. longicuspis Nog. |
DL |
18-Oct |
30714 |
Meteoriaceae |
Trachypus |
DL |
18-Oct |
30715 |
Aneuraceae |
Aneura |
DL |
18-Oct |
30716 |
Aytoniaceae |
Reboulia hemisphaerica (L.) Raddi |
DL |
18-Oct |
30717 |
Meteoriaceae |
Meteoriopsis reclinata (Muell.Hal.) Broth. var. subreclinata M.Fleisch. |
DL |
18-Oct |
30718 |
Marchantiaceae |
Dumortiera hirsuta (Sw.) Nees |
DL |
18-Oct |
30719 |
Cephaloziaceae |
Odontoschisma |
DL |
18-Oct |
30720 |
Dicranaceae |
Dicranum |
DL |
18-Oct |
30721 |
Scapaniaceae |
Scapania |
DL |
18-Oct |
30722 |
Dicranaceae |
Brothera leana (Sull.) Muell. Hal. |
DL |
18-Oct |
30723 |
Lophoziaceae |
Jamesoniella |
DL |
18-Oct |
30724 |
Conocephalaceae |
Conocephalum japonicum (Thunb.) Grolle |
DL |
18-Oct |
30725 |
Pelliaceae |
Pellia endiviifolia (Dicks.) Dumort. |
DL |
18-Oct |
30726 |
Conocephalaceae |
Conocephalum conicum (L.) Dumort. |
DL |
18-Oct |
30727 |
Pottiaceae |
Timmiella |
DL |
18-Oct |
30728 |
Marchantiaceae |
Marchantia |
DL |
18-Oct |
30729 |
Cyathodiaceae |
Cyathodium |
DL |
18-Oct |
30730 |
Aytoniaceae |
Asterella khasyana (Griff.) Pande et al. |
DL |
18-Oct |
30731 |
Aytoniaceae |
Asterella mussuriensis (Kashyap) Verd. |
DL |
18-Oct |
30732 |
Aytoniaceae |
Asterella wallichian a (Lehm. & Lindenb.) Grolle |
DL |
18-Oct |
30733 |
Pottiaceae |
Gymnostomum |
DL |
18-Oct |
30734 |
Anomodontaceae |
Herpetineuron toccoae (Sull. & Lesq.) Cardot |
DL |
18-Oct |
30735 |
Meteoriaceae |
Meteorium buchanani (Brid.) Broth. ssp. buchanani |
DL |
18-Oct |
30736 |
Pottiaceae |
Leptodontium |
DL |
18-Oct |
30737 |
Cephaloziaceae |
Odontoschisma |
DL |
18-Oct |
30738 |
Brachytheciaceae |
Brachythecium |
DL |
18-Oct |
30739 |
Thuidiaceae |
Thuidium |
DL |
18-Oct |
30740 |
Calymperaceae |
Syrrhopodon |
DL |
18-Oct |
30741 |
Lejeuneaceae |
18-Oct |
30742 |
Meteoriaceae |
Aerobryidium filamentosum (Hook.) Broth. |
DL |
18-Oct |
30743 |
Orthotrichaceae |
Macromitrium |
DL |
18-Oct |
39679 |
Thuidiaceae |
Claopodium prionophyllum (Muell.Hal.) Broth. |
DL |
17-Oct |
30310a |
Pottiaceae |
Pseudosymblepharis |
DL |
27-Sep |
30310b |
Lejeuneaceae |
27-Sep |
30362a |
Calypogeiaceae |
Metacalypogeia alternifolia (Nees) Grolle |
DL |
04-Oct |
30362b |
Pottiaceae |
Scopelophila |
DL |
04-Oct |
30386a |
Orthotrichaceae |
Zygodon |
DL |
05-Oct |
30386b |
Pottiaceae |
Trichostomum |
DL |
05-Oct |
30473a |
Entodontaceae |
Entodon |
DL |
08-Oct |
30473b |
Lophoziaceae |
Anastrophyllum minutum (Schreb.) R.M.Schust |
DS |
08-Oct |
30488a |
Lepidoziaceae |
Bazzania |
DL |
09-Oct |
30488b |
Lophoziaceae |
Anastrepta orcadensis (Hook.) Schiffn. |
DL |
09-Oct |
30637a |
Cryphaeaceae |
Sphaerotheciella sphaerocarpa (Hook.) M.Fleisch. |
DL |
16-Oct |
30637b |
Orthotrichaceae |
Orthotrichum |
DL |
16-Oct |
30654a |
Geocalycaceae |
Lophocolea |
DL |
17-Oct |
30654b |
Geocalycaceae |
Lophocolea |
DL |
17-Oct |